Don’t get caught stranded. To find a car insurance policy in your area that includes Roadside Assistance, use 24 Hours Towing.
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Automobile emergencies happen all of the time, and sometimes a simple thing like a flat tire, being locked out of your vehicle, or running out of gas, can turn into a more serious situation. Whether making you late for an important meeting, leaving you stranded in your car cold on a rainy day, or any number of other situations, there are many things that people experience at least once in their life that they would prefer never to do again. 21st Century Insurance roadside assistance is here for the assist. There is no reason to risk injuring yourself while fixing your car on a dangerous roadway, and there is no reason to go through these tough or frustrating situations on your own.
What’s Included?
Many of the standard features of roadside assistance are included in the 21st Century Security Advantage program, which customers are automatically enrolled in. This service includes three amazing benefits and is provided at no additional cost.
The benefits that are included in the 21st Century Security Advantage are roadside assistance, available 24/7, identity theft restoration service, and 24-hour travel and medical assistance. Keep in mind that identity theft restoration service is not available in New York.
Basically, in addition to assistance jumping your vehicle, changing a flat tire, and helping you out if you run out of gas, there are many other benefits in both the roadside assistance program and the other included programs with the service. What a great deal!
How To Use It
All you need to do is call the 1-800 number toll-free, and a provider will be dispatched to you to help you with your situation. Each car that you have an insurance policy with 21st Century Insurance for has this service available, it is included with the insurance policy. This is a fantastic service, so go ahead and store the number in your phone for when you need it.